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FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

이 기사는 요즘 소셜미디어에 중독되어 가고 있는 우리들의 모습을 다룬 기사입니다. 설문조사와 통계에 따르면 소셜미디어 사용자들의 56% FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) 에 시달리고 있다고 하네요. 절반 이상이 다른 사람들과 며칠이라도 네트워킹 하지 못하게 된다면 불안해 하게 되는 것입니다. 전세계 사람들이 그 어느 때보다 더 잘 소통할 수 있고 정치, 경제적 면에서 정말 많은 긍정적 변화를 가져오는 소셜미디어의 다른 면모라고 생각됩니다. 여러분은 지금 소셜미디어에 중독 됐나요? 한 번 쯤은 진지하게 생각해보는 것도 좋을 거 같습니다.


Report: 56% of Social Media Users Suffer From FOMO

We all know that social media can be an addiction, a slippery slope consumed by a syndrome commonly referred to as Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). If you indulge in a few days away from your Inbox or Twitter stream, the emails start to pile up and key news is missed.

As technology enables us to stay more connected than ever, the addiction continues to grow. In fact, a new survey conducted by MyLife.com revealed 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news and important status updates if they are away from social networks.

Many would trade other addictions to stay connected this way — about 26% percent said they would trade habits such as smoking cigarettes or reality TV for access to social networking sites.

In the same vein, about 51% of people visit or log on more frequently to social networks than they did just two years ago. And users want their updates first thing in the morning:

About 27% of participants flock to social sites as soon as they wake up.
About 27% of participants flock to social sites as soon as they wake up.

People are managing more social networking accounts as well. About 42% of study participants have multiple accounts — and the percentage jumps to 61% for those between the ages of 18 and 34. The average person also manages 3.1 email addresses compared with 2.6 from last year.

Although 52% of respondents said they have considered taking a “vacation” from one or more social networks in the past year, only 24% said they will likely follow through. Why? FOMO, of course.

For a full look at how people are using social media and managing the many platforms, check out the inforgraphic below.


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