구글 글래스의 출현은 상당한 호기심과 논란을 불러왔습니다. 그 중 하나는 과연 구글은 어떤식으로 광고를 사용할가 였습니다. 한 특허의 내용을 보면 구글 글래스와 같은 기기를 착용하고 있는 사람이 어떤 광고를 몇 초 동안 바라봤는지에 따라 광고비용을 결정짓는다고 나와있습니다. 웨어러블 기기가 늘어나고 있는 상황에서 이러한 광고방식은 엄청난 변화를 가져오리라 예상된다고 합니다. 또한 이러한 기기를 사용하면서 우리가 무엇을 보는지 마저도 감시당하게 된다면 사생활 침해 논란 역시 피할 수 없을 거라 생각됩니다.
New Patent Hints at 'Pay-Per-Gaze' Advertising for Google Glass
Google has just been granted a patent that could potentially pave the way for advertising onGoogle Glass in the future.
The patent, which was granted on Tuesday, outlines how advertisers could be charged according to the the number of views an ad received while wearing Glass, both offline and online. Google calls the process "pay-per-gaze" advertising.
While the patent doesn't specifically mention Google Glass, it does state that its "gaze tracking system" requires a "head mounted gaze tracking device" which "comprises eyeglasses" and includes "side-arms that engage ears of the user ... lenses through which the user views the external scenes, wherein the scene images are captured in real-time" as well as "at least one forward facing scene camera."
Google Glass seems to fit that description quite well, even though Google has mentioned in the past that developers would be banned from displaying ads on the device.
According to the patent, a specific gaze-tracking technique would pinpoint what the Glass wearer was looking at.
The patent also states that the system might identify if — and when — the wearer looked at advertisements. It would then subsequently charge advertisers associated with the advertisements "based at least in part on a per gaze basis" and determine whether the wearer looked directly at the ad, and for how long.
But wait — there's more. Reportedly, the patent mentions the possibility of "inferring [the] emotional state of the user while viewing the external scenes based at least in part upon the pupil dilation information." In other words,
Google could potentially identify and collect people's emotional responses to certain adsand perhaps even charge advertisers accordingly.
Individual privacy isn't completely thrown out the window, though. The patent states that "personal identifying data may be removed from the data and provided to the advertisers as anonymous analytics" and mentions possible incorporation of an opt-in or opt-out feature.
Although the patent calls to mind Minority Report-style scenarios, it doesn't guarantee the technology's success or even implementation.
If the technology described in the patent is incorporated into Google Glass, however, it could fundamentally change advertising.
Image: Mashable
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